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Durham University , Ph.D. in New Testament
美國創欣神學院 教務長/新約副教授
新加坡浸信會神學院 講師
中台神學院 新約助理教授
台中協同會 傳道人



Sense Perception and Testimony in the Gospel According to John. Vol. 435. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament 2. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017.


"Human Senses and Vivid Rhetoric in John 11," in Vivid Rhetoric in the New Testament: Visual Persuasion and Ekphrasis in Early Christian Literature. Edited by N. Neumann and M. R. Henning. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2024.



〈約翰福音20章中的感官動詞〉。《浸神學刊》21期 (2022):105–154。

〈感官動詞在約翰福音中的神蹟敘事之功能〉。《建道學刊》47卷 (2017):41–58。

〈亞歷山大的斐羅對五種感官的用法之探討〉。《中台神學論集》7卷 (2016): 187–211。

"The Intended Audience and the Purpose of the Fourth Gospel and Its Implication for the Asian Christians." Asia Journal of Theology 30 (2016): 7–29.

"The Visual and Auditory Presentation of God on Mount Sinai." Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament 5 (2016): 39–59.


Review of George L. Parsenios, Rhetoric and Drama in the Johannine Lawsuit Motif. Expository Times 124 (2012): 145.



Marshall, Howard。〈宣教的三個層面〉。王觀惠譯。《中台神學論集》第1期(2010年11月):7-46。


〈愛的言說行動:從約翰福音看上帝之愛〉。發表於基督教台灣浸會神學院主辦「2024年春季論文發表會 愛的神學:多元視角下的探索與實踐」,台北,2024年4月1日。

回應杜敬一博士論文〈講論羅馬書5~8章的文學編排〉。發表於台灣神學研究學院主辦 「第十屆聖經學術研討會議」,台北,2023年12月15日 。

〈約翰福音中的感官動詞與見證語言 〉,發表於「華神神碩學術研討會」,2022年11月28日,中華福音神學院。

"The Use of Enargeia in the Story of the Samaritans (John 4:1–26, 39–42)." Presented at Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, 23–26 November, 2019, San Diego.

"The Use of Ἐνάργεια in the Gospel of John." Presented at Hannover Symposium on Vivid Rhetoric in the New Testament, 24-26 September, 2018, Leibniz University, Hannover.

"Is Thomas Doubting or Faithful? " Presented at Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, 5 July, 2016, Yonsei University.

"The language of sense perception and the signs of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. " Presented at the Durham—Manchester—Sheffield Biblical Studies Postgraduate Conference, 23 April, 2012, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK.

"The language of Sense Perception and of Testimony in the Johannine Literature. " Presented at Postgraduate Away Day, 18 May, 2011, Aberdeen University, Aberdeen, UK.

